Welcome to the Adams Avenue church of Christ, Lebanon, TN
We assemble each Sunday morning and Sunday evening for a worship service. We also have weekly Bible classes for all ages on Sunday morning prior to our worship service and on Wednesday evenings. In all of our worship, classes and other activities, we seek to please God by following His commandments.
Our worship assemblies pattern the early church as written about in the New Testament. Acts 20:7 records that Christians met on the first day of the week “to break bread”, so therefore, we meet on the first day of the week to take the Lord’s Supper as Christ commanded that we do in remembrance of Him.
We also are commanded to sing praises in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16. Since vocal praise to God is commanded, and since there is no mention of the church using mechanical instruments, we praise God through song only with our voices.
Prayer is another important part of our worship service. Prayer is a blessing from God and we take advantage of that great opportunity. The early church “continued steadfastly” in prayer as recorded in Acts 2:42 and so we pray in our worship assemblies.
Giving is an important segment of our worship service. Christians are commanded in I Corinthians 16 to “lay aside” on the first day of the week. We take up an offering “as we have prospered” each Sunday so that the work of the Lord may continue. We have been blessed over the years, and in turn, we have shared our financial blessings with missionaries and other good evangelistic works throughout the United States and in other parts of the world.
We listen to a lesson from God’s word at our worship assemblies. In Acts 20:7, it is written that the apostle Paul spoke to the church on the first day of the week. II Timothy 2:15 says “be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
We invite you to come and be present at our worship services to honor and glorify our God.
Joseph Sejour – Haiti Missions Gospel Gleaner
Edward Manimtim – Canadian Missions Jim Waldron – India/Africa Missions
Memphis School of Preaching Frank Williams – Latin American Missions
Gospel Broadcasting Network Meals for Haitians
Good News For Today Ron Brown – Saving Asian Souls
Preaching The Gospel Nazareth Building Fund
Tri-Cities School of Preaching